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AfD's successful performance concerns Schwesig

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's head of state and SPD party leader, Manuela Schwesig, expressed disappointment in her party's performance during the European elections. She attributed the cause to the actions of the federal government. "This election outcome serves as a message to the coalition...

Postal vote for the European elections on June 9, 2024, the incoming postal vote documents will be...
Postal vote for the European elections on June 9, 2024, the incoming postal vote documents will be sorted into the corresponding ballot box.

Voting process - AfD's successful performance concerns Schwesig

As per calculations, the Chancellor party experiences a setback with a 14% decrease compared to its disappointing performance in 2019. Nevertheless, according to Schwesig, it's highly probable that a Social Democrat from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will reclaim their spot in the European Parliament after a hiatus of five years.

Schwesig stated, "We've achieved our goal. With Sabrina Repp from Rostock, we have a bright, young woman who will effectively defend our nation's interests in the European Parliament." Repp is currently ranked 11th on the SPD list. It's predicted that the SPD will make room for sixteen MEPs in the future.

Schwesig voiced her concerns over the potential domination of the AfD in all eastern German states. "No democratic party should feel victorious today," she said.

Electoral data. [Note: The translation may not be perfect, but it captures the main idea of the initial text.]

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