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AFDF member Bystron researches once more.

Police conducted additional searches in Berlin connected to an investigation involving AfD politician Petr Bystron on Thursday. The Munich Public Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the searches, stating they are "related to a case against a member of the Bundestag under suspicion of bribery...

Petr Bystron
Petr Bystron

AFDF member Bystron researches once more.

More investigations have taken place at individuals who haven't been accused of any wrongdoing. Seized were documents and data carriers that are now being reviewed.

As early as May, the parliamentary offices of Bystron in the German parliament, as well as rooms in Bavaria and on Mallorca, were searched. Before that, the parliament had lifted the immunity of the AfD MP. He is being investigated for suspected bribery and money laundering.

Bystron made headlines because of the accusations surrounding the pro-Russian Czech internet portal "Voice of Europe". In interviews for the portal, he had spread pro-Russian views. According to media reports, he is now accused of accepting money from Russia. Bystron, who represented the Munich-North constituency in the German parliament, denies the allegations.

Bystron ran as a candidate for the AfD in the European election and will now take his seat in the European Parliament. As an EU MP, he will again enjoy immunity - but not until the official election result on July 3rd is announced. Further investigation can then only take place if Bystron's immunity is revoked again in the European Parliament.

The AfD emerged from the European election with a provisional official result of 15.9% as the second strongest force after the Union. It thus achieved its best result in the EU parliamentary elections to date.

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