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AfD sees authorities' decision on classification as an election tactic

The Saxon AfD considers its classification by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a confirmed right-wing extremist movement to be motivated by election tactics. "The spying on and outlawing of our party using the intelligence service shows how desperate the CDU/SPD/Greens...

AfD state leader Björn Höcke on stage during the AfD state election rally.
AfD state leader Björn Höcke on stage during the AfD state election rally.

Extremism - AfD sees authorities' decision on classification as an election tactic

The Saxon AfD considers its classification by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a confirmed right-wing extremist movement to be motivated by election tactics. "The spying on and outlawing of our party using the intelligence service shows how desperate the CDU/SPD/Greens coalition must be in the year before the state elections in Saxony," explained Carsten Hütter, member of the state parliament, in Dresden on Friday and spoke of an "admission of their own failure". The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is being politically instrumentalized.

Faction and party leader Jörg Urban was not surprised. "The upgrade was foreseeable because the AfD is currently the strongest force in the new federal states. Nevertheless, the upgrade lacks any factual basis." The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has long since mutated into "government protection". "And this government protection is clearly pursuing solely electoral motives. It is therefore damaging democracy."

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Saxony announced the classification of the AfD in the Free State as a confirmed right-wing extremist organization on Friday. "There is no longer any doubt about the right-wing extremist orientation of the AfD Saxony," explained the head of the authorities, Dirk-Martin Christian. After Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, it is the third state association with such a classification.

Read also:

  1. Despite the classification of the AfD in Saxony as a confirmed right-wing extremist organization by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, other political parties, such as the SPD and CDU, are continuing their endeavors to engage with and classify the party in the upcoming State election.
  2. Carsten Hütter, a member of the SPD in Dresden, strongly criticized the classification of AfD as an election tactic, stating that it reveals the coalition's desperation in the face of the AfD's growing popularity in the state.
  3. The SPD, along with other parties, has faced criticism for using the protection of the constitution as a means to combat extremism, which some argue has the potential to undermine democracy and harm the political landscape in Saxony.
  4. The decision to classify the AfD as an extremist organization is widely seen as a significant development in the political climate of Saxony, and its impact on the upcoming State election is likely to be a hot topic of debate among parties and the public.
  5. The CDU, the largest party in Saxony, has not yet responded to the classification of the AfD as an extremist organization, but it is expected that they will reaffirm their dedication to protecting democracy and combating extremism in the state.
  6. While some argue that the classification of the AfD as an extremist organization is a necessary measure to protect the constitution and democracy, others believe that it is a dangerous precedent that could lead to the silencing of political dissent and a further fragmentation of political parties in Saxony.


