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AfD parliamentary group leader: "Declaration of emergency is a breach of the constitution"

AfD parliamentary group leader Hans-Christoph Berndt has vehemently denied the existence of an extraordinary emergency situation in Brandenburg. "There is neither a natural disaster nor an extraordinary emergency situation that is beyond the control of the state," said Berndt at a special...

Hans-Christoph Berndt, Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group leader, speaks in the state
Hans-Christoph Berndt, Brandenburg AfD parliamentary group leader, speaks in the state parliament.

Finances - AfD parliamentary group leader: "Declaration of emergency is a breach of the constitution"

AfD parliamentary group leader Hans-Christoph Berndt has vehemently denied the existence of an extraordinary emergency situation in Brandenburg. "There is neither a natural disaster nor an extraordinary emergency situation that is beyond the control of the state," said Berndt at a special session of the state parliament on Wednesday. "However, according to Article 103 of the state constitution, these would be the prerequisites for being able to take out new loans." The state government wants to finance its budget with new debt despite record tax revenues, criticized Berndt. "I consider the renewed declaration of an emergency situation to be a breach of the constitution."

The red-black-green government coalition wants to achieve a new declaration of an emergency for 2024 in the special session in order to be able to take out new loans to cushion the consequences of the war in Ukraine. The state parliament had already declared an emergency for this year and next year in order to be able to take on up to two billion euros in new debt to support families, municipalities and companies. Following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court, which only required budgets to be drawn up for one year, the aid package is to be secured with the renewed declaration of an emergency situation. The credit authorization for the coming year should then still amount to 1.06 billion euros.

Deadline link § 103 state constitution

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