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AfD leader Chrupalla: My place is in the federal government

Nine months before the state elections in Saxony, AfD leader Tino Chrupalla has made it clear that he intends to remain in federal politics. On Wednesday, the 48-year-old referred to media reports about a possible move to Dresden as a candidate for the office of Minister President. Chrupalla...

AfD parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla in the Bundestag.
AfD parliamentary group leader Tino Chrupalla in the Bundestag.

Parties - AfD leader Chrupalla: My place is in the federal government

Nine months before the state elections in Saxony, AfD leader Tino Chrupalla has made it clear that he intends to remain in federal politics. On Wednesday, the 48-year-old referred to media reports about a possible move to Dresden as a candidate for the office of Minister President. Chrupalla explained on Wednesday: "I still have many plans at the federal level of the Alternative for Germany, both in terms of parliamentary and party politics. I would like to realize these in the next few years."

Chrupalla comes from Saxony. With reference to party circles, the newspaper "Bild" had written about considerations that he might run for Minister President if the AfD won the elections in Saxony in September.

Chrupalla explained: "Jörg Urban is successfully leading the Alternative in Saxony as state spokesperson. We work together well and in a spirit of trust." Chrupalla emphasized that he himself had been directly elected to the Bundestag twice. "That's my place, that's what I've been working towards."

Bild report from 3.1.2024 (paywall)

Read also:

  1. Despite rumors suggesting his potential move to Dresden for the position of Minister President if the AfD wins the state elections in Saxony, Tino Chrupalla, the leader of the AfD, has expressed his commitment to staying in federal politics.
  2. Even though party circles speculate about his potential candidacy for the Office of Minister President in Saxony, Chrupalla reiterated his plans to contribute to both parliamentary and party politics at the federal level of the Alternative for Germany.
  3. In a clear statement, Chrupalla, who hails from Saxony, acknowledged the successful leadership of Jörg Urban as state spokesperson for the AfD in Saxony, emphasizing his own position as a directly elected member of the Bundestag, which he views as his place and his long-term goal.
  4. The federal policy agenda of the AfD, led by Tino Chrupalla, remains a significant focus for the party leader, as he eyes further contributions to the Alternative for Germany at the federal level in the coming years, even amid speculation surrounding potential state positions.




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