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AfD Federal Arbitration Court imposes ban on holding office in Saarland

Before the 2022 state election in Saarland, AfD functionaries there secretly withdrew the state list in a dispute. This now has legal consequences.

The Federal Arbitration Court of the AfD punishes party officials in Saarland
The Federal Arbitration Court of the AfD punishes party officials in Saarland

AfD Saarland - AfD Federal Arbitration Court imposes ban on holding office in Saarland

Saarland's AfD State Representative Christoph Schaufert has resumed his duties as deputy chairman of his party in Saarland two weeks after the election. The Federal Arbitration Court of the AfD announced a two-year ban on him, he stated. Another party member also received the same penalty. In addition, two members of the Saarland AfD were expelled. Previously, the "Saarbrücken Zeitung" reported on this.

The reason for the decision of the Federal Arbitration Court: The affected individuals were responsible for the withdrawal of the AfD Landesliste for the Saarland state election 2022 without the knowledge of the Landesvorstand. In the internal party dispute, the Saar-AfD then stood in the election without a Landesliste.

"There were certainly errors and imprudent actions," Schaufert told the German Press Agency. However, he was not aware of any wrongdoing on his part. He remains an AfD member and will continue his work. The AfD received 5.7% of the votes in the last state election and is represented in the Saarland state parliament with three deputies.

Despite the two-year ban imposed by the Federal Arbitration Court for his role in the withdrawal of the AfD Landesliste for the Saarland state election 2022 without the proper authorization, Saarland's AfD State Representative Christoph Schaufert refuses to step down as deputy chairman of his party. The Party processes in Saarland continue, with the AfD maintaining a presence in the state election after lacking a Landesliste, resulting in their representation in the Saarland state parliament with three deputies. A Saar-AfD official, also facing the same penalty, expressed regret for any mistakes, but affirmed their commitment to the party and its future Party events, such as the Saarbrücken Parties, are proceeding as planned.

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