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AfD demands 5000 euros emergency aid for flood victims

Lower Saxony's AfD state parliamentary group is calling for emergency aid of initially 5,000 euros for every person affected by flooding. Quick and uncomplicated help is important for those affected, said financial politician Peer Lilienthal in a statement on Wednesday. "We are therefore...

Emergency services from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) are deployed to protect
Emergency services from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) are deployed to protect a residential building from the threat of flooding.

Support - AfD demands 5000 euros emergency aid for flood victims

Lower Saxony's AfD state parliamentary group is calling for emergency aid of initially 5,000 euros for every person affected by flooding. Quick and uncomplicated help is important for those affected, said financial politician Peer Lilienthal in a statement on Wednesday. "We are therefore calling for an initial sum of 5,000 euros for anyone who can credibly demonstrate that they have been affected." The money should be paid out via the NBank of the state of Lower Saxony.

CDU parliamentary group leader Sebastian Lechner called for clear commitments for unbureaucratic aid on Tuesday. "The state and federal governments must not leave the people in the affected regions to deal with the consequences of the flood alone." Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD) had announced on Wednesday that the state government wanted to examine how those affected by the floods could be helped financially. However, it was not yet possible to quantify the majority of the damage because they were still under water, said the Minister President.

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