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AfD continues party conference in Essen - debate about Secretary General position

The AfD continued its national party conference in Essen on Sunday. Among other things, a motion to create the office of Secretary General will be discussed. Several votes on internal party constitutional issues are also on the agenda. In the afternoon, party leaders Tino Chrupalla and Alice...

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AfD continues party conference in Essen - debate about Secretary General position

And instead of on Saturday, only a few demonstrators gathered around the venue at Essen's Grugahalle on Sunday morning. Several dozen protesters chanted slogans against the AfD and warned against fascism and racism.

On Saturday, there had been violent clashes during the Anti-AfD demonstrations. The police reported one seriously injured officer and 27 lightly injured officers. The night to Sunday passed quietly according to police reports.

At the Federal Party Conference on Sunday, Alice Weidel delivered a passionate speech on food policies. The debate regarding the Secretary General position in the AfD was fiercely contested, with Tino Chrupalla being a key figure. The creation of a new party platform to tackle food insecurity was proposed during the party conference. Despite the tensions, the atmosphere at the party conference was generally lively and festive, resembling a mini party conference. Unfortunately, the anti-AfD demonstrators failed to muster the same numbers as they did on Saturday, with only a few present on Sunday morning.

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