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AfD continues party conference

Day two at the AfD party conference: the big issue of the election of the executive board has been cleared up. The focus is now on foreign policy and the question of whether the party needs a Secretary General.

Police officers walk in the rain in front of the Grugahalle. Continuation of the AfD federal party...
Police officers walk in the rain in front of the Grugahalle. Continuation of the AfD federal party conference in Essen on Sunday.

Delegates' meeting in Essen - AfD continues party conference

The AfD continued its federal party conference in Essen. On the second day of the meeting, among other things, the foreign policy alignment of the party was debated, with regard to the Russian offensive war against Ukraine. In a resolution, for which party leader Alice Weidel also stands, it is stated that Germany should emancipate itself more strongly from US foreign policy. It is demanded an end to weapons deliveries to Ukraine.

On the agenda is also a motion to create the position of a general secretary in the AfD executive board. However, this should not be possible until 2025, according to the motion. The new executive board, which was elected on Saturday at the party conference, will be in office until 2026. The delegates cleared this agenda item with a re-election of Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla at the party leadership faster than expected.

After massive protests against the party conference on Saturday, it was quiet around the Essen Grugahalle on a rainy Sunday morning at first. At a vigil in sight of the Grugahalle, around 150 people participated, according to a dpa reporter's estimate, in the morning. The organizer was the Essen Says No alliance.

On Saturday, tens of thousands protested against the AfD party conference. There were also incidents of violence, according to police reports, 28 officers were injured, one severely. Large groups with several hundred people repeatedly tried to hinder the delegates from participating or break through barricades through violent actions, the police reported on Saturday evening. "In the context of these violent actions, our colleagues had to use batons and tear gas repeatedly." Demonstrators also suffered injuries, for example, from pepper spray. Some delegates were led to the Grugahalle on foot under police protection, harassed by Demonstrators.

  1. The debates at the AfD's Federal Party Conference in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, included a discussion on the party's alignment with US foreign policy, with party leader Alice Weidel advocating for Germany to distance itself more significantly.
  2. During the Meeting of delegates, a resolution was proposed by Alice Weidel, calling for an end to weapons deliveries to Ukraine due to Germany's fear of being overly influenced by US foreign policy.
  3. Despite the ongoing AfD party conference in Essen, various Parties and organizations, such as the Essen Says No alliance, organized demonstrations against the AfD, attracting large crowds.
  4. On the second day of the AfD's AfD party conference, a motion to establish the role of a general secretary in the executive board was discussed, although implementation would not occur until 2025, as per the motion.
  5. The US foreign policy towards Ukraine was a significant topic of discussion at the Federal Party Conference in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with some within the AfD advocating for a shift in Germany's stance on weapons deliveries to the conflict zone.

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