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AfD Co-Party Leader Chrupalla supports the introduction of the office of General Secretary

Ahead of the party conference in Essen, AfD Co-Party Leader Tino Chrupalla has signaled support for the introduction of a General Secretary. "This is actually part of the professionalization of a party," said Chrupalla on Friday on ZDF's "Morgenmagazin". In a party, it is also necessary to talk...

AfD Co-Party Leader Tino Chrupalla
AfD Co-Party Leader Tino Chrupalla

AfD Co-Party Leader Chrupalla supports the introduction of the office of General Secretary

I think that is legitimate, that's what I will also support," said Chrupalla. At their two-day federal party conference over the weekend at the Grugahalle in Essen, AfD delegates discussed among other things whether the party should be led in the future by only one or both a chairman and a chairman and a secretary-general, a position the party has not had yet.

In this scenario, Weidel would likely be the favorite for further party leadership. However, it is questionable whether the roughly 600 delegates would weaken Chrupalla and thus his Saxon state branch before the September elections in Eastern Germany.

Weidel had already spoken out in favor of creating a secretary-general position: "I believe that a secretary-general is very meaningful," she said. If the AfD "ever shifts to a single leadership at a later point in time," a secretary-general "could make a significant contribution to the professionalization of the party," she emphasized.

Chrupalla said in ZDF that there would also be discussions on the party conference about whether a secretary-general with two chairmen could exist. In addition, the regulation could only come into force later. "Otherwise, it's an application that only applies for the next few years, so not yet on the party conference," he said.

Weidel and Chrupalla are standing for re-election as party chairs at the weekend in Essen. Although both always give the image of a harmonious and equal co-leadership, there have been internal party criticisms of their leadership recently - among other things due to alleged leadership weaknesses.

  1. Alice Weidel, currently a Co-Party Leader of AfD, has advocated for the introduction of a Secretary General position, stating that it could contribute significantly to the party's professionalization.
  2. Tino Chrupalla, the AfD Co-Party Leader and Saxon state branch head, mentioned during the ZDF interview that discussions about the possibility of a secretary-general with dual chairmen would take place at the party conference.
  3. AfD Delegates, including Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, are set to contest their positions as Party Chairs at the party conference held over the weekend at the Grugahalle in Essen.
  4. Although Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla present a united front as Co-Party Leaders, the AfD Office has been facing internal criticisms recently, with some attributing these issues to alleged leadership weaknesses.

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