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AfD clinches victory in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's European elections for the first time.

Winning in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's European elections with a surprising victory, the AfD achieved this despite their top candidates making controversial news. The CDU, on the other hand, experienced a setback.

An election poster is destroyed the morning after the European elections.
An election poster is destroyed the morning after the European elections.

Voting Process - AfD clinches victory in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's European elections for the first time.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) has once again claimed victory in the European election in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, pushing the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) down to second place for the seventh consecutive time. After tallying results from all 1999 voting districts, the AfD garnered 28.3% of the votes while the CDU received 21.5%. This is a dip from its showing in the 2019 European election when it got 17.7% and a dramatic difference from its 24.5% in 2014.

The newcomers to the scene, the Wagenknecht Party BSW, managed to secure 16.4% of the votes even without a local presence in MV. This outperformed the Social Democrats, helmed by State Minister President Manuela Schwesig, who lost around 5 percentage points from 2019 and came in at 10.3%. The Left Party experienced a significant decrease in support, landing at 4.9%, just shy of the Greens' 4.8% showing. The Free Democrats (FDP) also saw a drop in voter numbers and ended up with 2.6%.

In light of these results, Sabrina Repp, the SPD candidate from Rostock, is projected to join the European Parliament as the lone representative from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. She is currently at position 11 on the SPD's list, a position that is expected to yield 14 seats. Compared to 2014, there was a higher voter turnout in the state, with 63.3% of the nearly 1.4 million eligible voters casting their ballots.

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