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AfD candidate wins OB election in Germany for the first time

For the first time, an AfD candidate has won a mayoral election in Germany. Tim Lochner won the second round of voting in Pirna, Saxony, on Sunday with 38.5 percent of the vote, as the city announced on its website in the evening. The 53-year-old is independent but stood for the AfD.

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, and Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth (CDU),
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, and Kathrin Dollinger-Knuth (CDU), candidate for mayor, stand on the market square during a CDU election campaign event.

Lord Mayor - AfD candidate wins OB election in Germany for the first time

For the first time, an AfD candidate has won a mayoral election in Germany. Tim Lochner won the second round of voting in Pirna, Saxony, on Sunday with 38.5 percent of the vote, as the city announced on its website in the evening. The 53-year-old is independent but stood for the AfD.

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Tim Lochner's victory in the mayoral election in Pirna, Saxony, marks a significant milestone for the AfD in Municipalities across Germany. As a 53-year-old independent candidate, Lochner's victory comes despite standing for the controversial party. The municipalities of Germany will closely watch the impact of this election on future political landscapes. Additionally, the victory of an AfD candidate in a mayoral election in Germany's heartland, Saxony, may spark discussions and renewed attention to their political ambitions across the country.


