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AfD candidate suffers injury, lambastes traffic lights and media.

Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD party, has criticized the traffic light coalition and the media following an incident where a candidate from her party was attacked with a knife in Mannheim. In a statement on Platform X, she expresses that the media's aggressive stance against the opposition has...

Alice Weidel, AfD parliamentary group leader, and Tino Chrupalla, AfD federal chairman and AfD...
Alice Weidel, AfD parliamentary group leader, and Tino Chrupalla, AfD federal chairman and AfD parliamentary group leader, give a press statement at the start of their party's parliamentary group meeting.

Different gatherings - AfD candidate suffers injury, lambastes traffic lights and media.

Many of our members and officials frequently suffer from political violence and damage. The AfD doesn't have the power to stop this from happening.

In Mannheim, a candidate for the municipal election from the AfD was hurt with a knife on Tuesday night while chasing a thief who had taken a poster. The police arrested a 25-year-old man, and the prosecutor revealed that he was sent to a psychiatric institution. It's clear that the man had some sort of mental health problem during his arrest. At this point in the investigation, no solid evidence has surfaced suggesting that the suspect realized the victim was an AfD politician during the assault. Fortunately, the victim sustained merely minor injuries.

Read also:

  1. Alice Weidel, a prominent figure in the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party from Baden-Württemberg, strongly criticized the planned traffic light coalition in Berlin during a press conference.
  2. In the local elections, Tino Chrupalla, another AfD candidate, received a surprising amount of support despite the recent incidents involving party members.
  3. The climate change debate has become a significant topic in German politics, with many parties including the Greens proposing ambitious plans to reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Despite facing challenges such as political violence, the AfD continues to participate in elections across Germany, with a focus on promoting their views on immigration, security, and economic policy.
  5. The crime rate in major cities like Berlin and Mannheim has been an issue of concern for German citizens, leading to calls for stronger law enforcement and stricter punishment for offenders.
  6. In response to the challenges facing Germany, the ruling coalition has proposed various measures, including increasing funding for social programs and improving public transportation to address traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions.



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