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AfD begins two-day party conference in Essen - massive counter-demonstration and police presence

The AfD has begun its two-day national party conference in Essen amid massive counter-protests and high security precautions. Around 600 delegates arrived at the Grugahalle on Saturday morning, which was protected by a large police contingent. "We have a right - like all other political parties...

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla at the party conference
Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla at the party conference

AfD begins two-day party conference in Essen - massive counter-demonstration and police presence

Agenda of the party congress includes, among other things, the new election of the Federal Executive Committee, which was expected in the afternoon for Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla as party chairs. A proposal for discussions had prepared earlier, which provides for the abolition of the co-chair system in favor of only one party chair and a newly appointed General Secretary.

The Police presence was significant due to the anticipated counter demonstration against the AfD during the Party conference. Alice Weidel, one of the party chairs, expressed concerns about the safety precautions needed to ensure the event's success. Despite the massive crowd, food stalls were strategically placed to cater to attendees' needs. Tensions rose when a counter-protest erupted near the entrance of the venue, leading to a brief altercation between the police and the protestors. The voting for the new Federal Executive Committee, including Chrupalla and Weidel as potential chairs, was postponed due to the disruptive counter-protest.

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