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AfD ahead of CDU in Saxony, other parties lagging behind

According to an election poll, the AfD is ahead of the CDU in Saxony. In the survey conducted by the opinion research institute Civey and the "Sächsische Zeitung" (Tuesday), the AfD received 37 percent and the CDU 33 percent. A month ago, the two parties were still tied in the same survey....

Civey survey - AfD ahead of CDU in Saxony, other parties lagging behind

According to an election poll, the AfD is ahead of the CDU in Saxony. In the survey conducted by the opinion research institute Civey and the "Sächsische Zeitung" (Tuesday), the AfD received 37 percent and the CDU 33 percent. A month ago, the two parties were still tied in the same survey. According to the survey, the SPD is currently at three percent and must fear for its entry into the state parliament, while the FDP is at one percent. The Greens with seven percent and the Left Party with eight percent are also lagging far behind the AfD and CDU. The next state election in Saxony is scheduled for September 1, 2024.

The pollsters asked 3004 people the Sunday question: "Who would you vote for if state elections were held in Saxony next Sunday?". The survey was conducted online between 18 December and 1 January. The results are reportedly representative, taking into account the margin of error (2.9 percent).

In the survey conducted by opinion research institute Insa at the beginning of September, the AfD received the highest approval rating with 35%, while the CDU came in second with 29%. It was followed by the Left (9%), SPD (7%), Greens (6%) and FDP (5%).

Election polls are generally always fraught with uncertainty. Among other things, declining party loyalty and increasingly short-term election decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected. As a general rule, polls only reflect opinion at the time of the survey and are not a forecast of the election outcome.

Sunday poll Sächsische Zeitung

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