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AfD against vote on budget emergency this year

The AfD parliamentary group wants to prevent the declaration of another budget emergency for 2024 in the Brandenburg state parliament this year. To this end, the parliamentary group has submitted an urgent application to the state constitutional court, said its spokesperson Tim Krause on...

Tim Krause, top candidate for the AfD in the Potsdam constituency.
Tim Krause, top candidate for the AfD in the Potsdam constituency.

Parliament - AfD against vote on budget emergency this year

The AfD parliamentary group wants to prevent the declaration of another budget emergency for 2024 in the Brandenburg state parliament this year. To this end, the parliamentary group has submitted an urgent application to the state constitutional court, said its spokesperson Tim Krause on Friday. The court should prohibit a hearing and a recommendation for a resolution in the budget committee on the declaration of emergency this year; a resolution in the state parliament should not be passed until the end of January at the earliest. The state constitutional court confirmed receipt of the urgent application.

"We will not accept that the state parliament should declare an emergency in a rush job and disregard parliamentary consultation rights and duties in the process," said AfD parliamentary group leader Hans-Christoph Berndt. He pointed out that the Federal Constitutional Court had also prohibited the Federal Government from passing a resolution on the Building Energy Act before the summer break due to a lack of time for deliberations. "What is unconstitutional in Berlin is also unconstitutional in Potsdam," said Berndt.

The resolution on the emergency situation was originally planned for this Friday in the state parliament. This is because the red-black-green governing coalition wants to secure its Brandenburg aid package to cushion the consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine with up to two billion euros in new debt following the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. However, the AfD parliamentary group managed to ensure that there would be a hearing of experts in the Budget Committee beforehand. This should then take place in written form in the committee on Monday and the resolution in a special session on Wednesday.

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