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AfD-affiliated center: use for large gatherings prohibited

The "Rheinhessen Center" has developed into a central location for networking between the AfD, the Young Alternative and members of the "New Right", warns the Minister of the Interior. The city of Mainz is now significantly restricting the use of the meeting place.

Municipalities - AfD-affiliated center: use for large gatherings prohibited

The AfD-affiliated"Zentrum Rheinhessen" may no longer be used for large gatherings. The city of Mainz justified the measure on Thursday with a lack of permits for such events. There is a building permit for a car dealership with an exhibition hall, a processing hall and offices, explained Marianne Grosse (SPD), head of the building department, in the "Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz". A permit would be required for any other use of the property. This was not the case.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, Michael Ebling(SPD), the youth organization of the AfD celebrated its tenth anniversary with over 100 people in the "Zentrum Rheinhessen". According to the ministry, an alternative book fair with authors and publishers from the far-right scene also took place in the rooms at the same time as the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The AfD district associations in Mainz and Mainz-Bingen as well as the party's state office are based in the "Rheinhessen Center". AfD member of the state parliament Damian Lohr and AfD member of the Bundestag Sebastian Münzenmaier used the premises for their constituency offices.

The Minister of the Interior had recently said in the state parliament that the "Rheinhessen Center" had quickly developed into a central networking location for the AfD, the Young Alternative and actors of the "New Right". At one event, National Socialism was blatantly glorified and the Hitler salute was shown. The public prosecutor's office in Koblenz has opened an investigation into the matter.

The owner of the property was initially given the opportunity to make a statement, explained the head of department. The administration then sent him an order prohibiting third parties from using the property for purposes other than those stipulated in the building permit. If the order is not complied with, the first step would be to impose a penalty payment of 10,000 euros.

In the interview confirmed by the city, the head of the building department appealed to the owner to stop letting the property to the current tenants. The AfD has already been classified as right-wing extremist by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in three federal states. The AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate did not initially comment on this when asked.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ban, the AfD-affiliated "Zentrum Rheinhessen" had previously been used by Michael Ebling,(SPD) the youth organization of the AfD, for their anniversary celebration with over 100 attendees.
  2. The Municipality of Mainz prohibited the use of the "Zentrum Rheinhessen" for large gatherings due to a lack of permits, following the revelation that the AfD and their affiliated parties had been utilizing the property for such events.
  3. The AfD district associations in Mainz and Mainz-Bingen, along with the party's state office, are headquartered in the "Rhineland-Palatinate Center," which has been identified as a central networking location for right-wing extremist groups by the Ministry of the Interior.
  4. Damian Lohr, an AfD member of the state parliament, and Sebastian Münzenmaier, an AfD member of the Bundestag, both maintain their constituency offices within the "Rhineland-Palatinate Center."
  5. The Ministry of the Interior in Rhineland-Palatinate has expressed concerns about the utilization of the "Rhineland-Palatinate Center" by the AfD, as a result of events that have glorified National Socialism and featured the Hitler salute.




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