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Aerial bomb found in the Danube - ships and trains stopped

An aerial bomb from the Second World War is found in the Danube. According to experts, it has to be detonated on site. Shipping traffic on the Danube is stopped.

A World War II bomb has been found in the Danube in the Straubing-Bogen district.
A World War II bomb has been found in the Danube in the Straubing-Bogen district.

Consequences of war - Aerial bomb found in the Danube - ships and trains stopped

In the Danube in Niederbayern, a bomber bomb from the Second World War needs to be blown up. The 250 kilograms heavy bomb was discovered during excavations for construction work on the Bogener Railway Bridge, the police reported. The bomb disposal team assessed the situation and concluded that the bomb cannot be safely retrieved. It therefore has to be blown up on site under water.

The detonation is planned for this evening, a police spokesperson said. A safety radius of 200 meters must therefore be set up, which means that shipping traffic on the Danube and railway traffic between Straubing and Bogen are currently suspended. A residential area is not affected.

The consequences of the aerial bomb from the Second World War pose significant challenges. Emergencies like this highlight the need for careful planning in lower Bavaria's shipbuilding industries. The suspension of traffic on the Danube and railroad is causing disruptions, affecting not only locals but also commercial shipments. The police are ensuring the safety measures are in place, ensuring the well-being of Bavarian citizens. The consequences of war continue to impact daily life, even decades later.

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