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Advocating for Enhanced Safeguards in Wind Energy Projects, as stated by Nabu.

The administrative body intends to allocate approximately 3% of the state's territory for wind energy generation. The Nature Conservation Association expresses concerns over this plan,remarking potential harm to wildlife and wetland habitats.

- Advocating for Enhanced Safeguards in Wind Energy Projects, as stated by Nabu.

The Nature Preservation Union in Schleswig-Holstein, represented by NABU, is pushing for enhancements to the state government's proposal for the Territorial Development Scheme for onshore wind energy. Despite commending the government's efforts to safeguard nature and wildlife during wind energy development, NABU expressed concerns over the potentially harmful impacts of the current draft on diverse ecosystems and animal populations.

The proposal proposes placing wind turbines at least 100 meters away from nature reserves. However, NABU advocates for a minimum distance of 300 meters, arguing that many vital habitats for wind-sensitive bird species and insufficiently recognized bat habitats are situated within these areas.

Additionally, NABU insists on preserving moors from the installation of wind turbines, as they function as crucial carbon sinks. Introducing wind turbines into moors would consequently disrupt natural climate regulation.

Regarding wind energy, about three percent of the state area

The state administration intends to permit the establishment of wind turbines on a three percent expansion of the existing two percent of the state territory. In line with the Green-Black coalition contract, priority zones should continue to maintain a 400-meter separation from residential areas, as announced by Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) and Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) during the presentation of the Territorial Development Scheme in June. The minimum separation from villages and cities remains 800 or 1000 meters, respectively.

This Territorial Development Scheme serves as the foundation for new regional wind energy plans in Schleswig-Holstein, with the scheduled release of these plans set for the end of 2024. The public involvement process concluded this past week.

The Nature Preservation Union, in its push for wind energy development, supports the usage of energy from wind, but advocates for a larger distance between wind turbines and nature reserves to protect essential habitats for wind-sensitive bird species and bat habitats.

In line with its commitment to promoting green energy, the state administration plans to allow the establishment of wind turbines on a three percent expansion of the state terrain, ensuring a minimum separation of 400 meters from residential areas for priority zones.

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