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Advocating for Democracy - Schwesig: Diversity Makes It More Attractive

Before the elections, a day for democracy occurs in MV. The organizers express concerns regarding the AfD. Minister President Schwesig advocates for diversity and tolerance.

The flag of the European Union flies in front of the European Parliament building.
The flag of the European Union flies in front of the European Parliament building.

Voting Process - Advocating for Democracy - Schwesig: Diversity Makes It More Attractive

A week prior to the local and European elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, approximately 3,000 individuals participated in the "Action Day for Democratic MV." As per the police, around 2,000 individuals gathered in Rostock for a rally with the slogan "Never Again Is Now." Lars Schulz, a representative for the Action Alliance, mentioned that over 500 people responded to the call in Greifswald, and 350 joined in Schwerin. There were also events held in Pasewalk, Parchim, Recknitz, Stralsund, and Teterow. The police estimated 400 attendees in Greifswald and 360 in Schwerin. Schulz noted that there were higher-than-anticipated numbers for demonstrations in Neubrandenburg and Rostock.

During the "Teterow is Colorful, not Brown" democracy festival, the police approximated around 250 participants. In Güstrow, around 30 people congregated, and in Bützow, 100. One hundred and fifty folks attended a star rally in Laage, and 200 individuals convened in Grevesmühlen.

Manuela Schwesig, the state minister president, urged fortifying democracy. "Let's all sail together for a colorful and diverse country, for democracy in Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and all of Germany!" stated the politician from the SPD in a declaration from the State Chancellery at the event's conclusion in Schwerin.

Schwesig advocated for an open and tolerant society. "A colorful, diverse country is more lovely and livable. Differences do not weaken us. They make us stronger," said Schwesig. She thanked all citizens who participated in the statewide action day.

Previously, on June 9th in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the members of the European Parliament would be elected, along with city and district councils and voluntary mayors.

As per a representative poll conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa for the "Ostsee-Zeitung" (OZ) in mid-May, it is possible that there will be a three-way contest for dominance in districts and cities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the upcoming local elections. As determined by the survey, 22% of respondents stated they would vote for the AfD in the elections for district councils and city and municipal councils. The CDU and SPD respectively came in at 19% and 18%.

In the appeal of the Action Alliance, comprised of regional initiatives and networks including the Nordkirche, it was indicated: "We do not want fascists in our parliaments. The AfD is attempting to establish its fascist policy everywhere - not with us!"

This alliance is apparently adopting the slogan from the protest movement from the beginning of the year, "Never Again Is Now," which brought together individuals from various sectors of society to counter threats to the liberal-democratic fundamental order. However, the police reported substantially larger numbers at the time: 1,500 protesters in Greifswald and 2,500 in Schwerin.

Meanwhile, in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Feldberg (District of Mecklenburgische Seenplatte), various election posters were smeared and damaged. Primarily, posters for the SPD, Greens, and Free Voters were sullied. Posters for the CDU and the Left were also damaged.

Schedule of events with times:- Police announcement in Schwerin- Police announcement in Greifswald- Police announcement on smeared election posters in Rostock- Police announcement in Rostock

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