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Adults advised to receive whooping cough booster vaccine

Whooping cough cases in Lower Saxony remain high, prompting the health authority to encourage individuals, not just children, to take preventive measures.

A doctor vaccinates a woman.
A doctor vaccinates a woman.

Illnesses - Adults advised to receive whooping cough booster vaccine

Considering the current surge in Whooping Cough cases in Lower Saxony, the State Health Department (NLGA) urges everyone to ensure their vaccination is up to date. Based on official figures, there were 357 reported cases in the last four weeks, which is much higher than the 100 cases typically expected during this time frame according to pre-COVID comparison data (2015-2019).

Whooping Cough, also known medically as Pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory infection. The best way to protect oneself, as per NLGA, is through vaccination. Children should be vaccinated at two, four, and eleven months old, with booster shots also planned for preschool and adolescent ages. Pregnant women can also get vaccinated to help protect their newborns from the infection. Health Minister Andreas Philippi (SPD) emphasized in a recent statement that "the vaccine is well tolerated, offers the best protection, and is the most effective method for curbing the spread" of the disease.

NLGA reports that Whooping Cough usually follows an epidemic pattern every three to five years. It's possible that the COVID pandemic could have disrupted this pattern, leading to the current increase in cases.

Whooping Cough is an infection that mainly affects the respiratory system. Symptoms include prolonged, repetitive coughing attacks that can last for several weeks. The disease can be mild in adults, often going unnoticed, which could contribute to the spread and put unvaccinated infants at high risk of infection.

Bavaria has experienced a more significant increase in Whooping Cough cases. The state's Health Ministry reported 1,168 cases between the start of the year and May 21, 2024 - 791 more than in the previous yearly period.

Here's a statement from the Federal Health Ministry regarding this situation: [statement link]

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