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Admission of guilt in the trial on vending machine theft.

Speedy cash acquisition led to ATM explosion. Two culprits display regret in judicial setting. The getaway person, reputedly involved in lethal crash incident, withholds response about situation.

Exterior view of the Karlsruhe Regional Court.
Exterior view of the Karlsruhe Regional Court.

Regional Court in Karlsruhe - Admission of guilt in the trial on vending machine theft.

During the trial for an explosion of a money machine resulting in a death after a car accident during escape, two culprits have confessed. At the Karlsruhe District Court, two guys aged 21 admitted their involvement in the robbery in Wiernsheim near Pforzheim. They also expressed remorse for their actions. The 30-year-old driver of the getaway vehicle, who is said to have caused an accident involving a fatality while attempting to flee from the police, remained mute about the matter on Friday.

Prosecutors allege that the three suspected robbers from the Netherlands were involved in the money machine explosion, along with serious burglary. The 30-year-old, following the murder of a 45-year-old man in the accident, is being accused of taking someone's life. The driver of the getaway vehicle is reported to have sped away after the money machine explosion on November 11, 2023. Subsequently, he allegedly drove as a ghost driver on the A6, colliding with a truck. The passenger in the truck sustained serious injuries and passed away a few days later.

The three men have been in pre-trial detention since November. Money machine explosions occur frequently in Germany. Just on Friday morning, another money machine was blown up. This time, the perpetrators escaped undetected. The damages were documented in Reutlingen.

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