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ADFC: Winter service on cycle paths partly inadequate

According to the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC), winter maintenance on Brandenburg's cycle paths could be improved. "The first cold spell has shown that many local authorities are not adequately fulfilling their duty to clear inner-city cycle paths that are important for traffic,"...

Deer running across a snow-covered field.
Deer running across a snow-covered field.

Traffic - ADFC: Winter service on cycle paths partly inadequate

According to the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club(ADFC), winter maintenance on Brandenburg's cycle paths could be improved. "The first cold spell has shown that many local authorities are not adequately fulfilling their duty to clear inner-city cycle paths that are important for traffic," said an ADFC spokesperson on Thursday. Sometimes snow is even piled up on the lane from the sidewalk and roadway.

In view of the expected rising temperatures in the coming days, a new problem is arising, said the spokesperson. " Bicycles do not have a good grip on the remaining grit, even in positive temperatures, and are at risk of slipping." The risk of punctures is also increased by the sharp-edged stones, he added. "We are therefore calling on local authorities to clean the paths as quickly as possible."

"According to the Brandenburg Road Act, local authorities are obliged to clear snow from all public roads through towns, including cycle paths, and to grit them if they are icy," explained a spokesperson from the Brandenburg Ministry of Transport. The local authorities can commission the state road service or private companies to carry out the winter road maintenance.

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