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ADAC: Rail strike comes at an inopportune time: working from home

In view of the announced train drivers' warning strike, the ADAC recommends that employees work from home on Friday if possible. "Anyone who has the option of working from home should make use of it," an ADAC spokesperson told the German Press Agency on Thursday. "Because you can't rely on the...

A regional train arrives at the main station.
A regional train arrives at the main station.

Tariffs - ADAC: Rail strike comes at an inopportune time: working from home

In view of the announced train drivers' warning strike, the ADAC recommends that employees work from home on Friday if possible. "Anyone who has the opportunity to work from home should make use of it," an ADAC spokesperson told the German Press Agency on Thursday. "Because you can't rely on the train as an alternative," he said, also referring to difficult weather conditions. There is a possibility of freezing rain and it will definitely be slippery on Friday. "The rail strike is actually coming at an inopportune time."

The ADAC expects the roads to be fuller because the trains are not running. "That means, of course, you have to plan more time if you have to leave." MV normally suffers less from traffic jams than other federal states. Nevertheless, it will probably be more crowded in cities such as Rostock and Schwerin.

The spokesman appealed to drivers to check whether their cars are safe for winter: "How are the tires, do they have enough tread? Is the windshield wiper water really frost-proof? You don't want to clean the windows and then have a nice layer of ice on your car." You should drive carefully and prudently.

Read also:

  1. Despite the rail strike called by the train drivers, the ADAC advises employees in mecklenburg-vorpommern to work from home if feasible, as stated by an ADAC spokesperson to the German Press Agency.
  2. The spokesperson cautioned that the train may not be a reliable alternative due to the impending warning strike and anticipated difficult weather conditions, such as freezing rain and slippery roads.
  3. In anticipation of the train disruptions, the ADAC expects increased traffic on the roads, advising motorists to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys.
  4. The spokesperson urged drivers to ensure their vehicles are winter-ready by checking tire tread and windshield wiper effectiveness, as well as promoting caution and prudence in driving conditions.
  5. Although mecklenburg-vorpommern typically experiences less traffic congestion than other federal states, cities such as Rostock and Schwerin are expected to be more crowded due to the rail strike and subsequent traffic divergence.
  6. The rail strike comes at an inopportune time, as highlighted by the ADAC, as tariffs have already increased the financial burden on travelers and further disruptions could potentially exacerbate the situation.


