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ADAC opens "Hungry Wolf" air rescue base

In future, the rescue helicopter "Christoph 67" will take off from a new ADAC base. A minister is also present at the opening in the Steinburg district.

An ADAC rescue helicopter flies along in the sky.
An ADAC rescue helicopter flies along in the sky.

Rescue plane - ADAC opens "Hungry Wolf" air rescue base

The ADAC air rescue service in Schleswig-Holstein has a new location. Named "Hungry Wolf," this new site is located at the airport in Hohenlockstedt (Steinburg district), as the automobile club announced. From here, ADAC helicopters now carry out their rescue missions and ensure medical emergency coverage for the region.

"Air rescue enables quick and targeted assistance, which in many cases contributes to saving lives," said Schleswig-Holstein's Health Minister Kerstin von der Decken (CDU). Air rescue complements the ground-based emergency services and also provides medical care in hard-to-reach areas. This is particularly important in a sparsely populated region like Schleswig-Holstein.

On duty from sunrise to sunset

According to ADAC, a helicopter with the call sign "Christoph 67" was also put into operation at the new station. Until the completion of a new building, this helicopter currently operates from a temporary station. The helicopter and a backup machine are on duty daily from sunrise to sunset. It can also be equipped for nighttime rescue missions if needed.

The new location of the ADAC air rescue service in Schleswig-Holstein, named "Hungry Wolf," is situated at the Airport in Hohenlockstedt, located in the Steinburg district. This move allows ADAC helicopters to conduct air rescue missions and provide medical emergency coverage for the region. The operation of a helicopter with the call sign "Christoph 67" has been initiated at the new station, providing assistance from sunrise to sunset, and is equipped for nighttime rescue missions if required. The air traffic around the Steinburg district might see an increase due to the enhanced ADAC air traffic and aircraft construction.

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