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Actor Sebastian Bezzel: "I love rivers and streams"

German waters are not doing well. There are still gaps in knowledge in research. How actor Sebastian Bezzel wants to help with his closeness to nature in an ARD campaign.

Actor Sebastian Bezzel by a stream.
Actor Sebastian Bezzel by a stream.

Media - Actor Sebastian Bezzel: "I love rivers and streams"

Actor Sebastian Bezzel (53) enjoys being in nature and has a preference for rivers and streams. "I really think that when you sit by a river in nature or just dip your feet, or even your legs, in the water - there's nothing more beautiful," Bezzel said in an ARD interview.

The actor known from the "Eberhofercrimes" lives in Hamburg but grew up in Bavaria. "I've lived in Munich for a long time, too - swimming in the Isar river or swimming in a river in general is a lot of fun for me," he added. He finds it more beautiful than going to a swimming pool.

With his affinity for nature and enthusiasm for water, the actor engages as an ambassador for the ARD-initiative #unsereFlüsse. Launched in May, the nationwide action calls for people to go into nature and observe the condition of the waters. According to the organizers, the water quality of smaller rivers and streams is not regularly tested.

So far, over 1,500 submissions have been received by the ARD. The observations of the voluntary helpers are expected to help fill knowledge gaps, as stated by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).

Bezzel is convinced of this for various reasons: "First, my father was a natural scientist. I know how important statistics and observations are, and they have an impact beyond the masses. Second, these are positive actions. These are actions where people go out." You can combine the pleasant with the useful. "Fill up a picnic basket, go out with the family, and take a look at a creek once in a while," Bezzel said in his Bavarian dialect.

Biologists and biologists from the University of Duisburg-Essen will then select 30 rivers based on the submitted data. The research results are planned to be shown in the "ARD Story" on October 23.

ARD-initiative #unsereFlüsse

Sebastian Bezzel, an actor renowned for his role in "Eberhofercrimes," finds solace and beauty in nature, particularly by rivers and streams. Growing up in Bavaria, he enjoyed swimming in the Isar river and appreciates it more than swimming pools. His love for nature led him to become an ambassador for ARD's initiative #unsereFlüsse, encouraging people to observe the condition of rivers and streams across Germany.

Having a background in science from his father, Bezzel understands the importance of statistics and observations in environmental research. He encourages positive actions, such as family outings to observe creeks, combining leisure with utility. Over 1,500 submissions have been received by ARD for this initiative, aiming to fill knowledge gaps about water quality.

Biologists from the University of Duisburg-Essen will select 30 rivers based on the data submitted, and the research results will be showcased in the "ARD Story" on October 23. The media and people of Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich, among others in Germany, contribute to this initiative to protect and cherish the country's colorful, flowing waterways.

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