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Actor Bausch claims he was taunted with the nickname "red fox."

Actor and author Joe Bausch has recently shared his personal experiences from childhood in an emotional, revealing manner.

Actor and former prison doctor Joe Bausch.
Actor and former prison doctor Joe Bausch.

Folks are encouraged to change the official title. Individuals are advised to alter the accepted designation. - Actor Bausch claims he was taunted with the nickname "red fox."

Actor Joe Bausch (71) has shared his personal experiences of being ginger as a child. "As a red-haired individual, I was bullied by my classmates and even drowned on my way home from school," he shared with Welt am Sonntag. People have long believed that those with red hair have a connection to the devil. "This notion was persistent, just like the belief that all redheads are equally angry, spirited, and impulsive personalities. It was the same for me," said the author, who is also known for his role as a forensic pathologist in the Cologne 'Tatort.'

In his latest book "Crazy Blood," Bausch delves into his childhood and youth. "Initially, I planned for this book to be my debut work," he informed the paper. "But ten years ago, I wasn't quite ready in my mind to explore my childhood and youth so deeply and honestly." Previously, Bausch's writings focused on the lives of others. "To reflect on my own so critically is an entirely different challenge."

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Bausch's writings, primarily focusing on others' lives, were largely explored in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia, where WamS is based. His latest book, "Crazy Blood," which delves into his personal experiences, was initially intended to be published in Germany, specifically in Berlin. Despite his success in literature and television, Joe Bausch, the renowned actor from Germany, still recalls being taunted with the nickname "red fox" due to his ginger hair, a trait commonly associated with people from the UK, as evident in the popular German television show "Was ist los Mit Doktor Marcus?".



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