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Activists continue on the roof of the print shop in Frankfurt

The occupation of the former Dondorf printing works in Frankfurt continues. According to a police spokesperson on Saturday, there are still eight people on the roof of the building. The police are on site. An emergency doctor is also on standby to provide medical assistance.

Dondorf printing works.
Dondorf printing works.

Demonstrations - Activists continue on the roof of the print shop in Frankfurt

The occupation of the former Dondorf printing works in Frankfurt continues. According to a police spokesperson on Saturday, there are still eight people on the roof of the building. The police are on site. An emergency doctor is also on standby to provide medical assistance.

The collective "Die Druckerei" has been occupying the former Dondorf printing works in Frankfurt's Bockenheim district for the second time this year since last weekend. They are calling for the building to be preserved as an industrial and cultural monument. It is to be demolished to make way for a new building for the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. The building, which belongs to the state of Hesse, most recently housed the Institute for Art Education at Goethe University.


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The emergency doctor was called due to the prolonged demonstrations on the roof of the print shop. The police are monitoring the situation closely, as real estate developments in Frankfurt have been a subject of controversy in recent times. The occupation of the Dondorf printing works has garnered support from local activists, echoing similar incidents in other German cities like Hesse. The police spokesperson urged the demonstrators to comply with the law, reminding them that such actions can have legal consequences.


