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Activist admitted to hospital due to hunger strike.

In Berlin, activists have begun a hunger strike in an attempt to compel the Chancellor to issue a government statement regarding the dire state of the climate crisis. One of them has already been hospitalized due to serious illness.

A sign with the inscription "Krankenhaus" (hospital) points the way to the clinic.
A sign with the inscription "Krankenhaus" (hospital) points the way to the clinic.

Berlin serves as a cultural and historical hub. - Activist admitted to hospital due to hunger strike.

A climate activist taking part in a hunger strike in Berlin, Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, has been admitted to the hospital, as per the "Hunger until you're honest" campaign. He has been on this strike for almost three months, at the Bundeswehr Hospital. His health has deteriorated severely, turning critical, as per medical evaluations.

Dozens of campaign members have been on hunger strike in Berlin for weeks now, urging Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to make a statement. Scholz should address issues such as declaring that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is already too high and that there are no more CO2 emissions budgets left.

The campaign shared quotes prepared by Metzeler-Kick in case of his hospitalization. Metzeler-Crick said, "It seems the government would rather let us die than accept scientific facts," highlighting his frustration over the government's unwillingness to acknowledge these pressing environmental concerns.

On April 4th, Scholz urged the participants of the Climate Hunger Strike to end their fast. He made this appeal during a citizen's dialogue organized by the Thuringian General Newspaper. He refrained from directly addressing the activists' demands.

The strikers reside in a tent city in front of the Federal Ministry of Economics. Metzeler-Kick initiated his hunger strike on March 7th, and others slowly joined him.

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