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Action for eviction filed against slaughterhouse operator

The abattoir in
The abattoir in

Action for eviction filed against slaughterhouse operator

The city of Aschaffenburg has filed an action for eviction against the operator of the local abattoir. The lawsuit was submitted to the regional court last week, a spokeswoman for the city announced on Wednesday. Bayerischer Rundfunk had previously reported on the matter.

The administration expects the proceedings to be lengthy. First of all, the pleading will now be sent to the opposing party for a statement. The city had terminated the lease agreement with the abattoir and set a deadline of October 15 to vacate the premises. As the operator let this deadline pass, according to the city, the previously announced legal action has now followed. The operator could not initially be reached for comment by the news agency dpa.

The background to the termination is reportedly investigations into serious animal rights violations at the slaughterhouse. The animal welfare organization "Soko Tierschutz" published shocking video footage in the summer. These showed employees beating pigs and cattle with electric shocks and apparently dismantling animals that were still alive. An official veterinarian is said to have warned the slaughterhouse about inspections. The public prosecutor's office is investigating more than ten suspects.

The eviction action filed against the abattoir operator raises concerns about animal welfare in Municipalities, as investigations revealed serious Animals rights violations. Despite the Municipalities' UNDERFRONT efforts to address these crimes, the abattoir operator failed to meet the eviction deadline, leading to legal action.




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