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Accused Funeral Service Professional Makes Court Reappearance

In 2023, a court issued a fraud verdict against a funeral director, with appeals ongoing at the regional court. Yet, this individual has found himself back in the dock in Rostock, facing fresh accusations of fraudulent activities.

A previously convicted funeral director faces another hearing at the local judicial venue. (Visual...
A previously convicted funeral director faces another hearing at the local judicial venue. (Visual Representative)

- Accused Funeral Service Professional Makes Court Reappearance

A deceitful funeral service provider, previously convicted for swindling numerous females, is set to be charged anew with fraud, commencing from the 9th of November (9:00 AM). As per the Rostock Local Court, there are nine incidents from February 2020 to March 2022, which involve unpaid handyman services and damages amounting to more than 106,000 euros.

In May 2023, the Local Court imposed a sentence of three years and ten months in prison upon the then 49-year-old individual. The verdict stated that he had manipulated the emotional turmoil of several females to embezzle substantial sums of money. The Higher Regional Court of Rostock will address these instances in an appeal hearing, scheduled for November 20. The cases gained popularity from the ARD documentary titled "The Emotional Swindler".

After serving his initial prison sentence, the deceitful funeral service provider faces another trial for fraud, potentially leading to another period of imprisonment. Despite his previous conviction and imprisonment for swindling, he continued to deceive clients, perpetuating financial losses totaling over 106,000 euros.

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