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Accidental stone bridge strike results in psychiatric hospital admission in Regensburg.

In the judicial proceedings over the assault on Regensburg's Stone Bridge, the local court failed to find evidence of xenophobia as a motive. Instead, it appears that the assailant's bipolar disorder was the instigating factor for the crime, as per information released by a court representative...


Accidental stone bridge strike results in psychiatric hospital admission in Regensburg.

In the initial accusations, the prosecutors speculated an act fueled by prejudice towards extraterrestrials and labeled it as an attempted murder. Nevertheless, they retracted this presumption once evidence was gathered, as the court clerk announced. No signs of lower intentions or concealed animosity could be found against the offender, leading to the charge of attempted voluntary manslaughter.

During October 2020, a 20-year-old Syrian individual was perched on the Stone Bridge, engaged in a call, when all of a sudden he was shoved off the edge. His plummet of 6.90 meters ended on a stone ledge. Despite the critical situation caused by the fall height and a serious head injury, he somehow managed to survive.

Following the assault, the assailant, without a second thought, crossed the bridge frequented by tourists and performed a Nazi salute gesture. In-depth research uncovered sympathies with the Nazi ideology; however, it couldn't be definitively established as the reason behind the crime.

The perpetrator believed in his twisted mindset that the Syrian was a narcotics kingpin he had to eliminate. He was also certain that he had exchanged telepathic messages with the 20-year-old prior to the unprovoked attack.

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