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Accident with three fatalities near Naumburg: driver was drunk

A serious car accident occurs after a folk festival in Naumburg. Three young people die. The results of the blood test are now available.

Three young people died in a serious traffic accident.
Three young people died in a serious traffic accident.

Traffic accident - Accident with three fatalities near Naumburg: driver was drunk

After the severe traffic accident with three fatalities in Naumburg, it has been established that the driver had consumed alcohol. The result of the blood test for the 43-year-old was in the criminal law sector, stated a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office. The "Bild" newspaper had previously reported that a value of approximately 1.3 promille was detected in the first breath alcohol test. The prosecutor's office is investigating, according to their own statements, for dangerous interference in road traffic and negligent manslaughter.

A report from the forensic medicine is now being commissioned, which should determine the exact alcohol level, explained the prosecutor's office. The blood sample could only be taken from the 43-year-old, who was injured in the accident, some time after the accident at the hospital. In addition, a technical report is being prepared, which focuses on the accident sequence.

Silence minutes for killed young people

At the accident in the night from Sunday to Monday, two young women aged 19 and a 21-year-old man were trapped on the back seat - and died at the scene. The 18-year-old passenger and the 43-year-old driver survived with light injuries.

The car had come off the road in the southern part of Saxony-Anhalt, rolled down a slope, and collided with a tree. The vehicle occupants, according to statements from Naumburg Mayor Armin Müller (CDU), came from a folk festival. On Monday evening, the killed young people were remembered with three minutes of silence.

Facebook page Oberburgermeister Naumburg

  1. The "Bild" newspaper earlier reported that a preliminary breath alcohol test indicated a level of approximately 1.3 promille in the driver, who was involved in the traffic accident in Naumburg that resulted in three fatalities.
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Saxony-Anhalt is currently investigating the case, with potential charges including dangerous interference in road traffic and negligent manslaughter.
  3. The accident occurred in Naumburg, involving a vehicle that veered off the road in the southern part of Saxony-Anhalt, rolled down a slope, and collided with a tree.
  4. The public prosecutor's office in Naumburg has commissioned a report from the forensic medicine to determine the exact alcohol level in the driver's blood, as well as a technical report focusing on the accident sequence.

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