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Accident with illegal fireworks: prison sentence for seller

Around two years after a fatal accident when an illegal firework exploded in Hennef near Bonn, the seller of the dangerous pyrotechnics has been sentenced to a juvenile sentence of two and a half years in prison. On Thursday, the Berlin Regional Court found the 21-year-old guilty of operating...

A bronze figure of Justitia with sword and scales.
A bronze figure of Justitia with sword and scales.

Process - Accident with illegal fireworks: prison sentence for seller

Around two years after a fatal accident when an illegal firework exploded in Hennef near Bonn, the seller of the dangerous pyrotechnics has been sentenced to a juvenile sentence of two and a half years in prison. On Thursday, the Berlin Regional Court found the 21-year-old guilty, among other things, of operating an explosives store without permission and handling explosive substances without permission.

However, the presiding judge Uwe Nötzel said that the accused was not responsible for the death of a 37-year-old man and the serious injuries of another man. Both victims had known "that they were dealing with a dangerous object when they set it off, it was a self-endangerment". The 37-year-old, who according to investigations had received a so-called ball bomb from a customer of the accused, had known that the object came from an illegal source.

Lively trade in illegal fireworks

In its indictment, the public prosecutor's office had also assumed the accusation of involuntary manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The 21-year-old is said to have traded heavily in illegal fireworks on social networks. He also sold pyrotechnic items in category F4, although the buyers did not have the necessary specialist knowledge. The accused supplied over 100 buyers, the verdict stated.

The 37-year-old and a then 39-year-old man were allegedly celebrating New Year's Eve with a group when they received a "ball bomb" from an acquaintance. When the firecracker was set off on New Year's Day 2022, the 37-year-old suffered severe facial injuries from which he died. The 39-year-old was taken to hospital with serious injuries to his arms, legs and chest.

Defendant could "not imagine such a thing"

In March of this year, the police discovered a further 23 kilograms of illegal pyrotechnics in a basement room that the 21-year-old had rented. The defendant, who had a criminal record, confessed and explained that he very much regretted the consequences and that he "could never have imagined something like this". He had sold the "bullet bomb", which led to fatal injuries, to someone who was already familiar with such pyrotechnics.

The defendant had also admitted to other charges such as blowing up a cigarette vending machine and drug dealing. The public prosecutor demanded a juvenile sentence of four years. The defense lawyer pleaded for a suspended sentence. The verdict is not yet final.

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