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Accident at Huntebridge: Demand for expansion of the railway track

Since the accident at the railway bridge, the ports of Brake and Nordenham have been cut off from rail traffic again. This cannot continue, criticizes the operator of the port of Nordenham.

After another accident at Huntebridge, calls for the expansion of the railway line grow louder.
After another accident at Huntebridge, calls for the expansion of the railway line grow louder.

Accessibility of Harbors - Accident at Huntebridge: Demand for expansion of the railway track

The operator of Nordenham Harbor is demanding consequences after another accident at the railway bridge in Elsfleth (Wesermarsch district). The railway connection between Nordenham and Hude must be made double-track, says Andreas Sichau, managing director of Rhenus Midgard Nordenham. For the past week, the harbors of Brake and Nordenham have been cut off from rail traffic indefinitely.

On the track, there are several older bridges and only one rail, criticizes Sichau. "The entire railway traffic to and from Nordenham Harbor, which normally handles approximately 10,000 tons of cargo per week, is dependent on this one track."

Rail traffic over the bridge halted indefinitely

A barge collided with the railway bridge on July 23. The bridge house of the tanker was almost completely torn off, as well as the bridge and the overhead line. Rail traffic over the bridge is halted indefinitely, with repairs expected to take several weeks according to the railway. The structure in question is a temporary bridge, as a barge had already collided with the regular railway bridge in February.

"We are still suffering from the consequences of the first bridge damage incident," reports Sichau. Now, the harbor is again inaccessible by rail for several weeks. Customers are concerned, the harbor operator is trying to limit the damage. However, the cargo cannot always be diverted to inland waterways or trucks. "The damage caused by the loss of business for Nordenham Harbor is enormous."

Barges can reportedly pass through the area again according to the Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA) Weser-Jade-North Sea, but the passage under the bridge is still only single-track. Approximately twelve ships pass through this area each day, says Joachim Niezgodka from the WSA. Some ship captains have to wait a few minutes before the damaged bridge, but there are no significant delays.

  1. The accident at the Railway bridge in Elsfleth, located in the Wesermarsch district, has disrupted the rail traffic between Nordenham and Hude.
  2. Sichau, the managing director of Rhenus Midgard Nordenham, strongly advocates for a double-track railway connection due to the single rail and several older bridges on the track.
  3. The collision between a barge and the railway bridge in Elsfleth on July 23 has led to indefinite halt in rail traffic, with repairs estimated to take several weeks.
  4. This isn't the first time the railway bridge in Elsfleth has been affected; it was previously struck by a barge in February, damaging the regular railway bridge.
  5. The harbor in Nordenham, which handles approximately 10,000 tons of cargo per week, is currently inaccessible due to rail traffic disruptions, causing significant concerns for customers.
  6. The Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA) Weser-Jade-North Sea has reported that barges can now pass through the area, although the passage under the bridge remains single-track.
  7. Approximately twelve ships transverse this area each day, and while some ship captains may need to wait a few minutes due to bridge damage, there are no notable delays in traffic.
  8. The ongoing rail traffic disruptions and loss of business for Nordenham Harbor are causing substantial damage, as reported by Sichau, who is trying to minimize the impact on their customers.

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