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About half of the employees receiving holiday pay receive on average 1644 Euros

About half of the employed in Germany receive wage supplements for leave this year. On average, this amounts to 1644 Euro, as the Statistical Office in Wiesbaden announced on Thursday. This is therefore 42 Euro or 2.6 percent more than the previous year.

coast of Kampen on Sylt
coast of Kampen on Sylt

About half of the employees receiving holiday pay receive on average 1644 Euros

Exactly, the proportion of employees who receive vacation pay, according to statistics, is 46.8%. In the western federal states, they receive on average 1692 Euro, while in the eastern federal states it is 1196 Euro on average.

Both the proportion of employees with vacation pay and the amount vary depending on the industry: The highest vacation pay, at 3769 Euro this year according to the Federal Statistical Office, is paid in the Information Services sector. The average vacation pay in the Machinery industry is 2982 Euro. The lowest supplement, an average of 326 Euro, is received by employees in the field of Labor Placement and Brokerage.

A special case among the supplements are the 5.3 million employees in the public sector, as the Economic and Social Science Institute (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler Foundation explained on Thursday. For them, there is no separate vacation pay anymore, as it was merged with the Christmas bonus in the 2005 tariff reform into a uniform annual bonus paid in winter. "Vacation pay has not completely disappeared, but it is likely not recognized as such by many employees in the public sector."

Employees in the private sector, therefore, receive vacation pay predominantly separately in the summer. According to a recent survey by the WSI, 74% of employees in tariff-bound companies receive the bonus for the vacation fund - without a tariff, it is 36%.

The evaluations of the Federal Statistical Office on vacation pay are based on wage, salary, and wage tariffs as well as company agreements. In the calculation of the average amount, only tariffs are taken into account in which vacation pay is paid - annual supplements such as Christmas bonuses are not considered as vacation pay.

The Federal Statistical Office is located near the city of Wiesbaden, in Germany. The Statistics Federal Office collects data on various aspects of the economy, including vacation pay.

If you're planning a vacation in Europe, you might be interested to know that the average vacation pay in the European Union is denominated in Euro.

The nearest federal state to Wiesbaden, where the Statistics Federal Office is located, is 1644 kilometers away if you're traveling from Germany to either Eurozone or non-Eurozone countries.

If you're working in the Machine Building industry, you can expect to receive half the average vacation pay of employees in the Information Services sector.

The machine building sector employs a significant number of rate-employees, and the rate at which they receive vacation pay can vary depending on their specific roles within the industry.

In Germany, the procedure for handling vacation pay can involve a cut in the overall salary for employees, which is then used to fund their vacation pay during their time off.

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