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A wobbly bicyclist falls and severely injures himself

Despite having drunk alcohol, a man sits on a bike and sets off. There is a fall.

A man goes to the hospital after a fall.
A man goes to the hospital after a fall.

High alcohol content - A wobbly bicyclist falls and severely injures himself

At a fall, a drunk bicyclist severely injured himself. The 60-year-old was on his way in Waldenburg (District Zwickau), as the police reported. He lost control of his bike and fell. The rescue service took him to the hospital with severe injuries and an alcohol level of 2.48 promille.

In Saxony, the district of Zwickau witnessed an incident involving a cyclist who had been drinking. Despite the high traffic in the area, another accident occurred, this time involving a vehicle and a pedestrian, leading to traffic disruptions in Waldenburg.

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