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"A vigilant and fearless civic community is essential"

Katarina Barley, the SPD's main candidate for the European elections, urges for an active and alert civil society. In a large gathering held in Leipzig's Burgplatz on Saturday, she stressed the importance of speaking up and supporting democracy, law, and peace. If far-right extremists were to...

Katarina Barley, the SPD's lead candidate for the European elections, speaks at a major SPD rally...
Katarina Barley, the SPD's lead candidate for the European elections, speaks at a major SPD rally for the European elections.

Leading candidate from the SPD party - "A vigilant and fearless civic community is essential"

The EU has always been a socially-oriented union, and it remains so today. This union brings us security and prosperity. However, the member states need to collaborate more closely in order to counter the dominance of the USA and China.

Recently, Federal Chancellor Scholz addressed a crowd of hundreds, reassuring them that peace and security in Europe are not under threat. He asserted that there should be no escalation of Russia's attack on Ukraine, which could potentially lead to a war between Russia and NATO.

At his speech in Leipzig, Scholz faced disruptions from a few people who were supportive of the Palestinian cause. He responded firmly, stating that "Israel has the right to defend itself against the terrorist organization Hamas." The Hamas should accept the proposition of a ceasefire in order to ensure peace and stability.

Read also:

  1. The USA and China pose significant challenges to the EU, requiring closer collaboration among member states to maintain their social unity and counterbalance their influence.
  2. The recent European elections saw Katarina Barley from Germany's SPD party emerge as a leading candidate, emphasizing the importance of a vigilant and fearless civil society in safeguarding democracy.
  3. In the light of ongoing geopolitical tensions, such as Russia's attack on Ukraine, emphasizing democratic principles is crucial, especially as Europeans head to the polls for the upcoming European elections.
  4. Germany, a key player in the EU, played an active role in a recent diplomatic event in Saxony, affirming the need for united action against external threats to European democracy.
  5. Some parties in Europe, including the SPD, have advocated for strengthening cooperation with civil society, recognizing that their collaboration is vital in maintaining a well-functioning democracy.
  6. As we approach the future European elections, it's worth noting that Russia's relation with the EU and its neighbors continues to be a focal point, with parties taking separate stances on the matter.
  7. The SPD, as a prominent European party, remains committed to promoting democratic principles across the continent and fostering the active engagement of civil society, reflecting Germany's ideals and European unity.



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