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A Turkish left-wing extremist group's member receives a three-year prison sentence in Stuttgart.

A prominent member of the Turkish extremist left-wing group DHKP-C stationed in Germany has received a prison sentence of multiple years from the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court. A judicial panel convicted the 44-year-old on charges of belonging to a foreign terrorist organization, as per a...

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Collected legal texts

A Turkish left-wing extremist group's member receives a three-year prison sentence in Stuttgart.

Following the court judgments, a 44-year-old Turkish gentleman stood trial in Germany for his membership in the anti-government faction, DHKP-C's Rückfront, from 2014 until his capture in February 2023. From 2016 onwards, he served as the head of the District Committee in Mannheim. In this role, he organized propaganda events, recruited new members, and coordinated these activities.

He also financed DHKP-C operations, such as selling concert tickets for a left-leaning music group linked to DHKP-C, and sent funds to support incarcerated DHKP-C members.

The trial, spanning almost nine months, concluded on a Thursday after 48 days of testimonies. Witnesses and over a hundred intercepted phone conversations were presented during the trial. Both the defendant and the Stuttgart Public Prosecutor General retained the option to appeal the verdict.

The DHKP-C advocates for the overthrow of the Turkish government through armed conflict and intends to establish a Marxist-Leninist government in its place. The group has carried out multiple deadly and injurious attacks in Turkey. In Germany, the DHKP-C was outlawed in 1998, and since 2002, it has been classified as a terrorist organization in the EU.

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