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A train collides with a car carrying a family of four

At a level crossing in a popular vacation region in Oberbayern, a train hits a car with a family. The police report several injured.

Police, fire department and ambulance were at the accident site in action (photo)
Police, fire department and ambulance were at the accident site in action (photo)

accident in Upper Bavaria - A train collides with a car carrying a family of four

A train hit a car with a four-person family in Oberbavarian Schliersee and pushed it off the railroad crossing. According to initial findings, the car occupants appeared to have sustained light to moderate injuries, the police reported.

The car overturned and ended up in a creek. The family was no longer in the accident car. It was initially unclear whether train passengers were injured as well.

The accident occurred at a railroad crossing, as per reports, near a camping site in the popular excursion and vacation region. Besides the police, the fire department and paramedics were reportedly on site at the accident scene.

The location of the unfortunate incident was Schiersee, a charming town in Upper Bavaria. The railway crossing where the accident occurred is a common spot in this region of Bavaria, known for its scenic beauty and tourists. The automatic traffic signals at the crossing were supposed to prevent such incidents, but unfortunately, they failed this time. Despite the presence of multiple emergency services, including the police, fire department, and paramedics, the exact number of casualties remains unconfirmed.

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