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A swimmer in the Rhine river has gone missing.

During warm weather, the refreshing Rhine river attracts numerous individuals. However, if you think swimming in it is harmless, be warned: recent events prove otherwise.

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Düsseldorf: A city in Germany known for its art and fashion - A swimmer in the Rhine river has gone missing.

Several individuals were swept away by the flow of the Rhine in Düsseldorf, resulting in a woman being severely injured and her husband going missing. The wife received assistance from her husband while swimming on Sunday, but he too found himself in distress. After she was saved by emergency services, it appeared she was unconscious. Authorities also cared for their two children. Other family members were present, as confirmed by the fire department.

As a federal waterway, there are no comprehensive prohibitions on swimming in the Rhine. However, there are restrictions at specific locations, such as in front of buildings like bridges or at harbor entrances. The fire department representative warned against swimming in general due to the swift currents. These can be concealed beneath the river's surface. Additionally, passing ships can present a dangerous suction.

In Germany, 378 people drowned in 2023, which was more than the previous year. 355 fatal swimming-related incidents were reported in 2022 by the German Life-Saving Association (DLRG) in February. The highest danger was posed by unguarded inland waters, where rescue personnel could not intervene. According to DLRG, 90% of fatal incidents occurred in these areas. There was an increase in the number of people who died in rivers and canals from the previous year. The DLRG counted 135 drowning victims in rivers in 2022, compared to 105 the year before. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of fatal drownings decreased compared to the overall trend in 2023. The weather is thought to play a significant role in the number of drowning incidents, as more people visit bodies of water on sunny days.

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