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A settlement on wages has been achieved in the retail sector of southwest regions.

Following over a year of negotiations, roughly 490,000 workers in Baden-Württemberg's retail industry are set to see wage hikes. These increases will be implemented in three stages: 5.3% on September 1st, 4.7% on April 1st next year, and an additional 1.8% on the same day in 2023, as per the...

Passers-by walk through a shopping street with shopping bags.
Passers-by walk through a shopping street with shopping bags.

Import Taxes Imposed - A settlement on wages has been achieved in the retail sector of southwest regions.

Wolfgang Krüger, Verdi's negotiator, stated that the newly agreed upon wage increases equate to significant, double-digit salary bumps. Within the primary salesforce, which consists of approximately two-thirds of the retail workforce, the effective increase clocks in at 13.7%. For the lesser-paid employees, the wage hikes even amounted to a staggering 15.6%. Verdi feels immensely content with the negotiated outcome.

In Hamburg, the first tariff agreement within the retail industry had been achieved. Previously, numerous warning strikes and high-level talks failed to transform the unruly state of the tariff conflict. Verdi approached the negotiating table in every region, demanding at least an additional 2.50 euros per hour and a one-year duration.

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