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A senior uses a BB gun to target geese near the Main river.

A 78-year-old man used a BB gun to fire at geese in Triefenstein, Main-Spessart district, as reported by several witnesses on Monday. Police revealed this on Tuesday. After a thorough inquiry with the help of a witness, the officers found the elderly man carrying a weapon. He confessed that he...

The police emergency number (110) is stuck to a police car.
The police emergency number (110) is stuck to a police car.

Illegal activity or wrongdoing - A senior uses a BB gun to target geese near the Main river.

A compressed-air shooting gadget, known as a pneumatic weapon, propels tiny steel bullets, as shared by a police representative. Utilizing such devices necessitates acquiring a permit. Authorities are checking if the 78-year-old has one. Presently, legal charges are being filed against him.

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The elderly individual's alleged crime involving geese has sparked interest in Bavaria's wildlife protection laws. The incident happened in the County of Main-Spessart, under the front of a popular tourist spot. Wildlife authorities are now investigating if other animals, such as geese, have been affected by the individual's actions. Despite the urban landscape of Main-Spessart, instances of wildlife disturbance by humans still pose challenges for local law enforcement and animal welfare officers.

