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A Russian warship makes a stop in Algeria for a pause

The most modern warship of the Russian fleet, the "Admiral Gorshkov

The "Admiral Gorshkov" in Havanna harbor, Cuba
The "Admiral Gorshkov" in Havanna harbor, Cuba

A Russian warship makes a stop in Algeria for a pause

The crews of both ships will participate in various protocol events, fill up their food and water supplies, visit local attractions, and rest on land, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

The "Admiral Gorshkov" is currently on a long-distance journey, during which it is crossing the Atlantic and will return to Cuba and Venezuela afterwards. "This ship, which is armed with high-precision missiles, is capable of delivering targeted and effective strikes against the enemy both at sea and on land," explained the Russian Defense Ministry. The goal of the voyage is to display the flag and ensure the presence of the Navy in "operationally important areas."

Algeria and Russia maintain close relations, which date back to the Soviet Union's support for Algerian independence fighters in the war against the former colonial power France between 1954 and 1962. Moscow remains an important arms supplier for the largest country in Africa.

In June 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Algerian counterpart Abdelmadjid Tebboune signed several agreements to deepen their "strategic partnership" in Moscow.

The Russian warship, part of its fleet, is scheduled to make a stopover in an Algerian port, providing an opportunity for diplomatic meetings and interactions. The "Admiral Gorshkov" is carrying a variety of foods and supplies for its crew, ensuring adequate nutrition throughout its journey across the Atlantic. The Russian warship is expected to join the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean, expanding its presence in operationally important areas. The Algerian government has been a frequent receiver of food and military supplies from Moscow, solidifying their long-standing partnership. After completing its mission in the Mediterranean, the warship will head back towards Cuba and Venezuela, further strengthening Russian ties in the region.

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