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A Russian attack targets an apartment building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, leaving over 30 individuals harmed.

A Russian attack on a residential building in the northern part of Kharkiv, Ukraine, resulted in at least 35 individuals being hurt. Authorities from Ukraine are concerned that additional individuals might be trapped beneath the debris of the multi-story apartment complex where they resided, as...

In Kharkiv, Ukraine, on September 15, 2024, firefighters confronted a blaze that erupted following...
In Kharkiv, Ukraine, on September 15, 2024, firefighters confronted a blaze that erupted following a Russian air attack targeting a high-rise residential complex.

A Russian attack targets an apartment building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, leaving over 30 individuals harmed.

Three young ones among those harmed when an aerial guided bomb hit a 12-story construct in Kharkiv, as per Oleh Syniehubov, the city's military administration head, were minors.

At least 14 people ended up in hospitals due to the assault, with one individual reported missing.

"There might be individuals buried under the rubble," Syniehubov stated. "The rescue and salvage operation is ongoing."

One inhabitant refused to abandon his home without his pet dog, as reported by Ukraine’s Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko. "Each life matters to our rescuers, therefore, they retrieved both the man and his pet from the smoky apartment on the 12th floor," he added.

A shared video online by the minister depicted the dog being lifted in the air by one of the emergency cranes before reaching the building's roof and being received by one of the rescuers.

The airstrike ignited a blaze on the ninth floor. Three dwellings were entirely annihilated. Numerous automobiles were damaged and countless windows were broken due to the strike.

"Residents are being evacuated. Special, humanitarian, international, and Ukrainian organizations are handling the situation," Syniehubov announced.

"This is civilian infrastructure," ascertained Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. "Russia massively infringes upon human rights and international humanitarian law. The reaction should be here and now."

A senior citizen is aided following a Russian air attack that hit a tall residential structure in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on September 15, 2024.

Kharkiv is situated near Russia's border and has experienced recurrent attacks since Russia's full-scale invasion started in 2022.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated his plea for further military assistance from allies following the attack.

"The world must aid us in defending ourselves against Russian military aircraft and the numerous guided aerial bombs that claim Ukrainian lives every day," Zelensky spoke out on Sunday via social media.

"This terror can be ceased. However, to halt it, the fear of implementing solid, objectively vital decisions should be conquered. Only decisiveness can bring about a fair conclusion to this war. Decisiveness is what most effectively defends against terror," he stated.

Ukrainian authorities earlier disclosed the casualty count from Russian attacks within a 24-hour cycle at nine, including a man and a woman in their 60s killed in Odesa.

Zelensky mentioned over the past week "the Russians have launched approximately 30 missiles of various types, more than 800 guided aerial bombs, and almost 300 strike drones against Ukraine."

The airstrike in Kharkiv, as condemned by Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, affects not just Ukraine but also breaches international humanitarian law, being an example of how Russia infringes upon human rights in Europe.

In light of these continuous attacks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeals to the world, urging for aid in defending against Russian military aircraft and the daily guided aerial bombs that pose a threat to the world.

Firefighting team confronts a inferno following a Russian air-dropped explosion at a towering apartment block in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on September 15, 2024.

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