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A presumably anti-obesity injection is said to decelerate the aging process.

Unbelievable weight reduction solution and rejuvenation elixir?

A presumably anti-obesity injection is said to decelerate the aging process.

Managing diabetes and weight issues: Ozempic and Wegovy. But there's more, experts reveal. These weight loss shots have reportedly shown numerous additional health advantages in recent research - they might transform into a sort of 'elixir of life'.

Originally designed for handling type 2 diabetes, weight loss injections such as Wegovy or Ozempic have emerged as a potent tool against obesity. However, these medications can do much more, according to scientists speaking at the European Society of Cardiology conference in London. The shots could potentially slow down the aging process, allowing individuals to live longer and healthier lives, they reported.

Preliminary studies had already demonstrated that semaglutide, recognized by the brand names Wegovy and Ozempic, decreases the risk of mortality in overweight or obese individuals with cardiovascular diseases. New research has now revealed that the effects of these medications extend beyond initial expectations for the medication. The weekly injections prevent heart failure, decrease COVID-19 deaths, reverse kidney disease, and lower untreated high blood pressure.

As Harlan Krumholz of the Yale School of Medicine mentioned at the conference, "Semaglutide boasts wide-ranging benefits." It can be considered as a medication that promotes health. It reduces inflammation associated with cancer, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease. "It wouldn't surprise me if the enhancement in peoples' health in this way actually slows down the aging process," said Krumholz.

Lower mortality from infections

The new data stemmed from the SELECT study in the US, involving 17,600 overweight or obese individuals aged 45 and over with cardiovascular disease but no diabetes. They were given semaglutide or a placebo and monitored for over three years.

Those who consumed the medication experienced less mortality from all causes examined, including cardiovascular issues and COVID-19, researchers discovered. Participants who received semaglutide contracted COVID-19 just as frequently yet died less from it.

Independent of gender, the medication also decreased the risk of undesirable cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders; this effect was observed more frequently in women. In addition, it improved heart failure symptoms and reduced inflammation levels in the body - regardless of whether participants lost weight or not.

"The substantial reduction in non-cardiovascular deaths and particularly deaths from infections was astonishing," said Benjamin Scirica, Harvard professor and lead author of one of the studies. "These findings confirm that obesity and overweight increase the risk of death for numerous reasons that can be modified with therapies like semaglutide."

Experts have earlier emphasized that this medication is not a quick fix or a substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise, and should only be administered under medical guidance. Like any medication, it may have side effects and risks - the most common are nausea, stomach upset, and bloating.

The weight loss medication Semaglutide, often used in the form of Wegovy or Ozempic, has shown potential in decreasing mortality from various infections, as evidenced by the SELECT study. Additionally, semaglutide has been found to lower the risk of undesirable cardiovascular diseases and heart rhythm disorders, with this effect observed more frequently in women, independent of weight loss.

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