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A person under suspicion yields following a stabbing incident in Zug.

Following a stabbing incident on a train service in Saarland, the suspected assailant has surrendered. The 32-year-old was captured at Saarbrücken main station on Monday evening and will appear before a judge on Tuesday, as disclosed by a representative from the Federal Police in Saarbrücken to...

A federal police officer stands at the main station.
A federal police officer stands at the main station.

Illegal activities - A person under suspicion yields following a stabbing incident in Zug.

As for the potential motivation, no judgments can be made yet; the suspect will be grilled more. Investigations will be carried out in every direction.

The 32-year-old suspect, a Turkish national, hadn't ever interacted with police before, according to recent information. He is believed to have slashed a 21-year-old man out of the blue on a regional train with a knife on Monday night, causing grave but non-fatal injuries. The 21-year-old received a wound to the neck area.

The alleged weapon was discovered at the station following the incident. The press representative for the Federal Police said they've been combing through video footage from the regional train as well. According to current knowledge, the victim and the presumed attacker were strangers, sitting opposite each other in a four-seater row on the train.

Federal police reportedly provided first aid to the wounded 21-year-old. After that, he was transported to a hospital and underwent surgery. It seems likely that there were witnesses to this crime, said the spokeswoman. For now, no one has spoken up.

The assault occurred shortly before the train arrived at the main station in Saarbrücken. The assailant supposedly fled from the train when it arrived. After around two hours of searching in the area, including both federal and state police, the man surrendered, said the spokeswoman.

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