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A person named Walker discovered a king python in a forest in Upper Bavaria.

A royal python at the NABU species conservation center in Leiferde, Lower Saxony.
A royal python at the NABU species conservation center in Leiferde, Lower Saxony.

Creatures - A person named Walker discovered a king python in a forest in Upper Bavaria.

A person strolling through a forest near Waldkraiburg (Mühldorf am Inn district) stumbled upon a King Python. As per Monday's police report, the snake was found in a tiny container, hidden in the undergrowth. The 32-year-old contacted authorities on Sunday afternoon after stumbling upon this reptile. Experts from the district administration positively identified the creature as a King Python, deemed non-dangerous. The snake has since been passed on to a reptile rescue station. At the moment, officials are in search of its owner.

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