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A person is reported to have disregarded a stop sign - cyclist injured

A driver passed a 45-year-old cyclist. Witnesses reported that he disregarded a stop sign beforehand. The 45-year-old was taken to the hospital.

A bicyclist has been hit by a car (image)
A bicyclist has been hit by a car (image)

Berlin-Schmargendorf - A person is reported to have disregarded a stop sign - cyclist injured

A driver hit a cyclist in Berlin-Schmargendorf. The 45-year-old was admitted to the hospital on early Saturday evening with severe head injuries, as the Berlin Police announced on Sunday.

According to witness statements, the driver disregarded a stop sign and hit the cyclist, as reported. The 45-year-old allegedly lost control during the collision.

The incident took place in a busy traffic area of Berlin-Schmargendorf, resulting in numerous onlookers. To prevent such accidents in the future, traffic authorities are considering installing additional traffic signs and improving road conditions.

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