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A mix of sunshine and rain is forecast for Monday.

Commencing Monday, skies in the capital area and Brandenburg will be partially cloudy, and there may be occasional rain showers. A gust of strong wind is expected to persist throughout the week.

The sun only comes out briefly from behind a dark cloud cover.
The sun only comes out briefly from behind a dark cloud cover.

Meteorological Conditions - A mix of sunshine and rain is forecast for Monday.

New week commences in Berlin and Brandenburg witnessing a blend of sun and cloudiness. DWD, the reputed German weather service foresees a gradual clearing-up of the sky on Monday. Scattered rains are expected in Prignitz and Havelland otherwise, it will be dry. The temperature range would be 17-21 degrees with light to brisk breezes.

Nighttime showers lash out in specific regions. Elsewhere, the sky gets increasingly overcast, becoming densely cloudy. At first, the breeze is soft. By morning, it intensifies, flaring up locally to a speed of 60 km/h.

Tuesday brings a refreshing, cloudy atmosphere: Occasional showers deluge the Prignitz region up to Uckermark. Temperatures lie between 15-18 degrees. The wind, moderate, gradually loses gusting velocity as the sun sets.

Wednesday night stays cloud-covered but remains dry. Temperatures will plummet to 9-6 degrees, accompanied by calm winds.

Wednesday sees the weather oscillate between sun and clouds. Although dry, there might be some sporadic showers. Temperature rises slightly, now hovering between 17-19 degrees. The wind remains weak to steady puff.

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